LEARNING OBJECTIVE: To develop Rounding and Estimating skills.
SUCCESS CRITERIA: You will be able to use rounding to estimate the solution to problems and also understand how to tackle multi step questions that expect you to explain all the stages of your work.
ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITY: Use question 2 from this Mymaths Lesson
LESSON: Reminder on rounding numbers to nearest whole number, 10, 100 thousand....
Explain Significant figures
Use rounding to 1sf to find approximate answers to solutions
Estimating answers to calculations
Estimating problems
PLENARIES: Checking answers, support to individuals / small groups at their desks, Stopping whole class and consolidating where necessary. Estimating Games
Only got as far as rounding numbers to 100000,1000,100,10 etc with a short plenary looking at rounding calculations to 1sf