Wednesday 20 February 2013

Wed 27th Feb Median and Range of a set of numbers

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discover how to compare two sets of dta using the median and the range

SUCCESS CRITERIA: You will be able to work out the range and median of a set of data and use it to compare the data with another set of similar data.

LESSON: USe this MyMthas Lesson and Exercises to devop the idea of a median value. Use the questions screen a couple of times on screen altogether, then hand out worksheets for them to practice finding medians with - encourage copying out the numbers in order and then corssing out pairs of end points in succession to find the middle number (or numbers).

Median - Ex 2B page 30 of Foundation Text Book
Range - Ex 2D Page 36 of Foundation text Book

PLENARIES: Checking answers to onscreen questions, supporting students at their desks / individually/pairs/small groups

Thursday 14 February 2013

Fri 15th Feb - Consolidation of Algebra - Substitution and solving

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Consolidate all algebra work on substitution and Solving equations

SUCCESS CRTIERIA: You will be able to solve algebra level E (level D)  on algebra and solving equations


STARTER: Use Level E loop cards on Solving equations & Substitution to engage all students ASAP.

You must write down all questions and answer pairs in your exercise book

LESSON: Continue with practical exercises using solving equations and substitution jigsaws.

PLENARIES: Checking and supporting students at their desks

Monday 11 February 2013

Wed 13th Feb - Toolkit Test

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Toolkit test, marking and review

SUCCESS CRITERIA: YOu will gain a higher mark than previous Toolkit Test

LESSON: 30 mins to complete the toolkit test, then mark and review test. If time update Folders and Flightpaths

Thursday 7 February 2013

Fri 8th Feb - Review of Text

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: DIscover how exam paper was marked and review topics that you got wrong.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: YOu will know which areas you need to to work on in order to imprive in order to get a better grade next time you are tested.

STARTER: Hand out test papers nad give students a chance to talk about results / compare answers around their tables etc.

1. Write down totals to each question on the front of your exam paper and check that I have added them up correctly (you can use your calculator)
2. For each questoin, write down the topic of the question, then work thorugh the answer. Write any correct answers ornotes on your exam paper with your PURPLE Pen.

Where appropriate set some similar questions on IWB for student sto prcatice more questions

PLENARY: Feedback from students on confidence of improving in next test

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Weds 6th Feb - Review of Algebra test

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: To review Solving equations and substitution.

SUCCESS CRITERIA: You will be able to correct all questions that you got wrong in the algebra test

STARTER: Mr Young Leading group with a sequences starter.Notebook File

LESSON: Hand out tests and let them look at results and discuss them with each other for 5 mins.  Algebra test,
Look at solving equations questions: Remind them of  inverse method and how to  lay out their work in a step by step fashion. Then give them time to work through ALL there corrections in their exercise books USING THE PURPLE PEN.

If time repeat the process with the substitution questions checking directed number work.

PLENARIES: Checking answers, supporting at desks,